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12 mai 2006


American Idiot was written to tell a story (a "punk rock opera"). The title of the album in itself, and it's art, explains of what's to come. jjee suis parti avec le dernier album de Green Day « American Idiot », enfin dernier album sorti en 2004 quand même. Et là j’ai eu la révélation - certains l’ont eu 10 ans avant moi en ce qui concerne Green Day mais bon ! :o)) – je n’ai pas entendu un groupe faire une aussi bonne musique depuis la mort d’Elvis, non je déconne. Néanmoins, j’ai vraiment pris une claque.

En résumé, Green Day s’étant fait fauché les bandes des enregistrements en studio avant la parution de leur dernier album, a décidé de récrire à zéro de nouvelles chansons. Mais pour corser le tout, le groupe a décidé de mettre la barre très haut et d’en faire un opéra rock, c'est-à-dire de raconter une histoire au fil des morceaux.

Au fil des titres, on suit l’histoire de Jos « Jesus of Suburbia », jeune homme vivant dans une banlieue américaine paumée qui décide de fuir sa vie minable et la drogue en quittant sa ville natale.  En chemin il croise l’amour auprès de « what’s her name ». Après avoir combattu son côté sombre  incarné en la personne de « St Jimmy », son périple le ramènera finalement chez lui. Il existe une multitude de sites dédiés à Green Day et retraçant très bien le parcours du héros au travers de l’album. Je vous invite à aller les visiter,  en particulier les deux sites ci-dessous qui comportent une multitude de clips mettant en scènes les morceaux les plus fameux du groupe.

Site officiel :
Autre site riche en médias:

Toujours au sujet de l’album, en tant que grand amateur de Queen, j’ai adoré le morceau « Jesus of Suburbia ». C’est un titre de  plus de 9 minutes, composé de 5 parties aux mélodies bien distinctes. C’est un pur chef d’œuvre qui fait bien sûr penser au Bohemian Rapsody du  prestigieux groupe anglais. Les anti-Bush eux, se satisferont de la magnifique ballade « When September ends » stigmatisant l’intervention américaine en Irak, peut être mon morceau préféré. Le reste de l’album, enfin, est une mine de morceaux qui vous feront bouger la tête et sauter sur place.  « American Idiot », « She’s a rebel », “Extraordinary Girl”, “Give me Novocaine”, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”. Cet album est La Perfection faite rock.

Au passage, on parle de Green Day come un groupe punk-rock. Mais franchement, leurs albums très produits, l’attention portée à leur style vestimentaire me fait plus penser aux groupes de rock californiens qu’aux petits gars des banlieues de Londres. Rien à voir avec The Clash ou plus récemment les Arctics Monkeys ou Hard-Fi. Mais ça n’enlève rien à leur efficacité.

American Idiot

Tout commence ici... Voici un gosse paumé dans un "pays singledirigé par les médias", il pense que c'est "une politique de merde basée sur l'aliénation, avec un plouc au commandes...  "

Il proclame son avis, " Don't wanna be an american Idiot"...

Jesus of suberbia

Voilà le commencement... jos2

Part I: Jesus of Suberbia (JOS, ce sera + court!), c'est notre "héros"... Donc voilà...Il a grandi entre rage et amour, etc... Il nous parle de ses amis, aussi de l'alcool, des cigarettes, bref le début d'une vie de débauche...Il parle aussi de son beau-père (car il l'appelle Brad...) et de sa mère.
Part II: Là, il exprime sa haine, son refus de s'adapter à la vie de merde qu'il a. "home is where your heart is but what a shame 'cos everyone heart doesn't beat the same"... Il est seul...
Part III: Il envoie tout en l'air, "rien à branler" des autres, en qui il n'a pas confiance... et réciproquement! Les gens se foutent de toi, il font juste style: "hearts recycled but never saved"
Part IV: est-il taré? est-il fou? bonne est pris pour victime par la société (non, pas le, elle était nulle, mais fallait que je la sorte!) Il dit qu'il ne se sent pas aimé...
Part V: "Tales of another broken home", "I don't feel any shame, I won't apologize", "nowhere you can go"... Voilà, c'est THE END, il se casse...Il est pris pour victime,mais il sait qu'il est innocent! Donc il ne s'excuse pas, n'est pas honteux...


Une nouvelle vie commence! JOS a quitté sa baraque, il est à la rue. C'est le début, c'est nouveau, c'est bien! Il gueule qu'il est libre, mais s'est un peu pour se persuader lui-même que la fuite est une bonne solution: il est en "vacances"

Enfin bon, il est plus content, c'est l'important pour lui. Il y a une allusion politique avec "Zieg Heil..."...

Il fuit, mais il est seul, ce qui nous mène à... Blvd of broken dreams!

Boulevard of broken dreams

blvdNotre héros est donc seul avec son ombre pour seule compagnie dans les rues froides. Il commence à se lasser de cette vie de déroute:il a nulle part où aller et se demande s'il est encore vivant. Il espère que quelqu'un le sauvera mais tout le monde dort, personne ne l'entend. Il y a tellement de silence qu'il peut entendre les battements de son coeur

Are we the waiting?

Etre seul c'est dur... Il commence à déprimer, à faire green_day_20n'imp'... Il n'est plus le Jesus Of Suberbia, il est rien, il n'a plus autant confiance en lui que dans "Holiday"...

St. Jimmy

La vie revient! Et oui, il rencontre une sorte de modèle: St Jimmy! Il est décrit dans cette chanson comme arrogant, un jeune ado, passionné par le crime ("tais-oi avant que je ne te tire dessus", "donne-moi du sang", "je suis un ado mettant un peu de fun dans le culte de la vie du crime")...green_day111 Il est le roi des rues, le roi des 40 voleurs (Ali Baba???heu...): le rebelle de base.

Là-dessus, notre pauvre petit JOS ne sait pas quoi faire:il est calme et innocent face à ce mec drogué ("a little bag of dope") vivant dans les rues...

En gros on peut dire que JOS, c'est Jésus et Saint Jimmy, Juda, le méchant, le traître dans la bible

Give me novacaine

green_day104JOS sympathise avec St. Jimmy (STJ, ce sera + simple!). Il lui donne de la drogue, pour le débarasser de cette "bitter sweet migraine in my head", de ce mal de vivre, sortir de ce corps et de cet esprit qu'il ne supporte. STJ lui dit comment penser et traînent ensemble...

She's a rebel

Encore un virage! JOS et STJ rencontre une rebelle("she's a rebel", "the mother of all bombs gonna detonate", "she sings the revolution"), et JOS l'admire tout de suite,il l'admire et l'aime:c'est le coup de foudre!green_day82

Il se demande s'ils ont les même pensées, si leurs destins vont s'unir...

Extraordinary girl

Encore une description de cette Whatsername! C'est une fille formidable...

Elle vend son image à qui veut l'acheter, ellegreen_day22 est triste et pleure sous son visage souriant... JOS pense qu'il a su démasquer la belle...

Il se compare à elle: elle est forte, ou du moins, fait tout pour l'être. Tandis que lui est faible, un gosse abandonné ou un chien laissé sous la pluie...


Whatsername écrit maintenant une lettre de rupture à JOS. Elle lui met la vérité green_day122en face des yeux: "nobody like you, everyone left you", "you're not the JOS", "made me the idiot america"...enfin bon, désarmage total pour ce pauvre garçon!

Il se fout trop de tout, n'est pas assez sérieux...Elle luit dit qu'il n'est pas le JOS, ni le STJ. Donc là, problem: est-ce qu'il est devenu schyzo à cause de la drogue, et donc, il se prend pr qqun d'autre, ou alors il veut vraiment copier STJ, mais il n'est pas comme lui, il ne le sera jamais...? Bonne question...

Il est devenu l'american idiot par excellence, tout ce qu'il ne voulait pas être et deteste. Tout le monde l'a rejeté, il a quitté cette ville, et devrait quitter cette vie. Elle le quitte, en gros!

Wake me up when september ends

Aïe! Flashback douloureux pour JOS: il est seul, a perdu ses amis ( STJ et Underbelly), et sa copine. Il est seul, triste, comme avant. (wake_me_up_when_september_ends2càd, comme dans Blvd of broken dreams).

Mais ce n'est pas le principal sujet: c'est de la mort de son père Andy en septembre..."les souvenirs restent, et je ne peux pas oublier ce que j'ai perdu", "l'été est venu et est passé, ce sont toujours les meilleurs qui partent en premier". Voilà tout...petit sniff...


C'est la fin des haricots!!! Quand tgreen_day231'as nulle part où aller tu retournes chez toi

Part I: JOS abandonne tout,St.Jimmy se suicide, et il se rend compte alors de l'influence qu'il avait sur lui: "il contribuait à mon suicide intérieur":les idées morbides de STJ se déteignaient sur lui. Il a tout gâché et se rend compte de l'atmosphère qui reigne ici... Il retourne dans un style de vie similaire à celui de "mom & Brad"...
Part II:
La 12° rue à l'Est, le domicile de JOS! Il s'habitue à la vie en société, travaille, etc... Le gens vivent, mais JOS reste isolé: il voudrait revivre avec ses amis, fumer, boire... On retourne dans le schéma "Liberté, solitude, désespoir" de Blvd of broken dreams"...
Part III:
La rupture avec Whatsername ne passe toujours pas... il espère qu'elle va revenir, mais que dalle! "Personne ne t'aime, tout le monde t'as quitté", reste gravé dans sa tête... Où est-elle allée???
Part IV:
Tunny (une autre personne de la rue), lui envoie une carte postale: super vie de rockeur, pleinde femme, de musique, de sexe, de drogue, d'alcool... LA TOTALE!!!
Part V: JOS réalise toutes ses erreurs, accepte tant bien que mal... Il retourne chez "mom & Brad"... Il n'a pas de sentiments, tout est encore confus mais il existe, tout simplement, il est juste là, posé sur la Terre


Voici donc la dernière chanson de l'album ( dédiée à Whatsername), et donc la dernière partie de l'histoire... :-(

JOS rentre chez lui, il esgreen_day51t "normal"... Mais il pense toujours à sa bien-aimée... Il ne l'a plus vue depuis longtemps et revoit son visage, même s'il ne sait plus son nom.  Il l'imagine maintenant, changée, peut-être mariée, et à quoi ressemble-t-elle? Et son mari?

Il ne regrette pas cette histoire dans la rue, qui a été triste, mais qui lui a apporté une expérience qu'il n'oubliera pas. Il veut oublier Whatsername, mais pas cette période de sa vie, dommage, les deux sont liés!). On peut le percevoir dans la dernière phrase de l'album..."Forgetting you, but not the time"... ("T'oubliant, mais pas cette époque")...


Voici donc la fin de cette histoire, parlant de la triste vie de l'Américain qui a tout foiré dans sa vie: l'"AMERICAN IDIOT". Et oui, triste tout ça, et hélas réél. "L'Amérique n'est plus ce qu'elle était. "

Welcome to a new kind of tension all across the alien nation :

L’histoire raconte qu’après le vol de bandes de studio de son groupe, qui a dû alors repartir de zéro, le bassiste Mike Dirnt a décidé d’écrire une chanson de trente secondes. Le chanteur Billie Joe Armstrong a demandé au batteur Tre Cool de faire de même. Collées bout à bout, les deux morceaux semblaient former un tout cohérent. Telle serait la génèse d’« American Idiot »...

Ce n’est pas n’importe quel disque, puisque c’est un concept album. Certains ont déjà crié au chef d’œuvre. Il est certain qu’un opéra punk, cela surprend. Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est un disque ambitieux de la part des auteurs de Basket Case, complainte adolescente à mille lieux des réflexions menées ici, dix ans après. « American Idiot », c’est l’histoire de trois rebelles, Jesus of Suburbia, un adolescent débarassé de ses illusions, St. Jimmy (décrit comme "the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen Poe"), et d’une fille dénommée Whatsername.

Peu importe la trame narrative, l’essentiel est que ces trois personnages et leurs vies servent de support à une critique assez virulente de l’Amérique post onze septembre. Dans Holiday, un autre scénario catastrophe est même imaginé :

Bombs away is your punishment
Pulverize the Eiffel towers
Who criticize your government

Conçu comme une oeuvre symétrique, « American Idiot » s’ouvre par la chanson éponyme (du pur Green Day). Puis, les choses se compliquent. En un numéro de plus de neuf minutes, cinq mini chansons sont déployées. Suivent neuf chansons de longueur plus conventionnelle. L’avant-dernier morceau est également un cinq en un, qui dépasse même de peu la durée de son jumeau, et où réapparaissent les thèmes imaginés suite à la perte des masters du groupe.

Onze chansons courtes, neuf minutes pour les deux morceaux de bravoure et autant de titres les séparant. 11 et 9. Symbolique des nombres ? Et ces deux suites sont-elles pensées comme deux piliers de l’album, plantées là pour en renforcer la cohésion, s’élevant au dessus du sol comme les deux tours du World Trade Center ?

Si « Warning » avait déjà marqué un élargissement des ressources musicales utilisées par Green Day, son successeur poursuit dans cette voie, sans l’élargir de façon démesurée. Les percussions particulières sur Extraordinary Girl ainsi que Jesus of Suburbia, cette dernière chanson comprenant même un passage au piano, et les cloches sur Homecoming sont parmi les audaces à noter pour un groupe censé être "punk". On relèvera également un léger affadissement du son, parfois, comme sur Boulevard of Broken Dreams, sorte de Wonderwall bis, et certains autres morceaux, heureusement peu nombreux, à la limite du "radio-friendly".

En dépit de ces nuances, l’album est souvent joué sur les chapeaux de roue, et les amateurs de « Dookie » ne seront pas déçus. Selon moi, l’intérêt du disque réside en grande partie dans sa forme, car un réel effort est fait pour en faire un tout. On retrouve les mêmes expressions et les mêmes personnages d’une chanson à l’autre, celles-ci s’interpénétrant à l’instar de l’étalon du concept album, le « Tommy » de The Who. La cohérence va également jusqu’à la pochette. L’auditeur trouve son explication dans She’s A Rebel :

She’s holding on my heart like a hand grenade

« American Idiot » atteste que quinze ans après leurs débuts, même s’ils ne sont plus 100% punks, Billie Joe et ses acolytes sont toujours verts.

Welcome to a new kind of tension all across the alien nation :

L’histoire raconte qu’après le vol de bandes de studio de son groupe, qui a dû alors repartir de zéro, le bassiste Mike Dirnt a décidé d’écrire une chanson de trente secondes. Le chanteur Billie Joe Armstrong a demandé au batteur Tre Cool de faire de même. Collées bout à bout, les deux morceaux semblaient former un tout cohérent. Telle serait la génèse d’« American Idiot »...

Ce n’est pas n’importe quel disque, puisque c’est un concept album. Certains ont déjà crié au chef d’œuvre. Il est certain qu’un opéra punk, cela surprend. Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est un disque ambitieux de la part des auteurs de Basket Case, complainte adolescente à mille lieux des réflexions menées ici, dix ans après. « American Idiot », c’est l’histoire de trois rebelles, Jesus of Suburbia, un adolescent débarassé de ses illusions, St. Jimmy (décrit comme "the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen Poe"), et d’une fille dénommée Whatsername.

Peu importe la trame narrative, l’essentiel est que ces trois personnages et leurs vies servent de support à une critique assez virulente de l’Amérique post onze septembre. Dans Holiday, un autre scénario catastrophe est même imaginé :

Bombs away is your punishment
Pulverize the Eiffel towers
Who criticize your government

Conçu comme une oeuvre symétrique, « American Idiot » s’ouvre par la chanson éponyme (du pur Green Day). Puis, les choses se compliquent. En un numéro de plus de neuf minutes, cinq mini chansons sont déployées. Suivent neuf chansons de longueur plus conventionnelle. L’avant-dernier morceau est également un cinq en un, qui dépasse même de peu la durée de son jumeau, et où réapparaissent les thèmes imaginés suite à la perte des masters du groupe.

Onze chansons courtes, neuf minutes pour les deux morceaux de bravoure et autant de titres les séparant. 11 et 9. Symbolique des nombres ? Et ces deux suites sont-elles pensées comme deux piliers de l’album, plantées là pour en renforcer la cohésion, s’élevant au dessus du sol comme les deux tours du World Trade Center ?

Si « Warning » avait déjà marqué un élargissement des ressources musicales utilisées par Green Day, son successeur poursuit dans cette voie, sans l’élargir de façon démesurée. Les percussions particulières sur Extraordinary Girl ainsi que Jesus of Suburbia, cette dernière chanson comprenant même un passage au piano, et les cloches sur Homecoming sont parmi les audaces à noter pour un groupe censé être "punk". On relèvera également un léger affadissement du son, parfois, comme sur Boulevard of Broken Dreams, sorte de Wonderwall bis, et certains autres morceaux, heureusement peu nombreux, à la limite du "radio-friendly".

En dépit de ces nuances, l’album est souvent joué sur les chapeaux de roue, et les amateurs de « Dookie » ne seront pas déçus. Selon moi, l’intérêt du disque réside en grande partie dans sa forme, car un réel effort est fait pour en faire un tout. On retrouve les mêmes expressions et les mêmes personnages d’une chanson à l’autre, celles-ci s’interpénétrant à l’instar de l’étalon du concept album, le « Tommy » de The Who. La cohérence va également jusqu’à la pochette. L’auditeur trouve son explication dans She’s A Rebel :

She’s holding on my heart like a hand grenade

« American Idiot » atteste que quinze ans après leurs débuts, même s’ils ne sont plus 100% punks, Billie Joe et ses acolytes sont toujours verts.

There's much confusion to actually what this album and all of its songs mean, and it's questioned to what it could mean. I'm following, basically, with my own outlook, and from information from the band.


J./JOS/the Idiot of America: The Jesus of Suburbia
Tunny: Random person met on the street who Jimmy befriends
The Underbelly: JOS/Jimmy's group of friends
Mom and Brad: JOS' parents. The way that JOS refers to his father as Brad, could mean that is father is gone and Brad is a stepfather, which would explain why he's calling him by name.


  The title track of the album. Basically, there's a confused, disoriented, angsty kid wrapped around a world of misconception and he has nowhere to go and feels hopeless and miserable. So this kid, the Jesus of Suburbia, is just crying out an anthem for the world to hear, screaming miserably "Don't wanna be an American Idiot..." He sees that he's stuck in this 'redneck agenda' and there's not a damn thing he can do to change it.
  Everyone on the album has their own track. Jesus of Suburbia basically introduces us to the Jesus of Suburbia, how he was brought up in rage, and love, his atmosphere, friends, and basic general information. Part I, JOS, is just an introduction. "I'm the son of rage and love, the Jesus of Suburbia..."...Part II, City of The Damned, is just a crying out for help, hating his town, his city, and his overall miserable life that he lives. Part III, I Don't Care, is properly named and is about just that. JOS' apathetic screams of pain and how he just doesn't fucking care about anything anymore. Part IV, Dearly Beloved, is JOS asking if what he's feeling is natural, how he can get out, and if anyone can understand...Tales Of Another Broken Home, Part V, is basically the end of the anthem. JOS is fed up, fucked up, and just decides to quit town and quit the life that he's living. "I don't feel any shame, I won't apologize. When there ain't NOWHERE you can go. RUNNING AWAY from pain, when you feel victimized, tales from another broken home"...and he just leaves.
  So JOS has just left town and he's living his life on the streets (Hear the sound of the falling rain...). He's speaking outloud and acting in vein :P, but it seems like he's talking himself into the fact that running away was the right thing to do. Explaining his reasons of discontent to himself. He still feels alone, and shunned from society, but it seems he feels a little more self-confidence, and happiness out on the road. It is also remotely political with the whole "Zeig heil..." thing, but it's basically just JOS yelling out and expressing his own dead beliefs onto the world. Like screaming into mid air. Also, to go 'on holiday' is said to be like, a vacation. So this is basically like an escape, a runaway. This leads us into Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
  JOS is out alone, on the cold streets, nothing to do, nowhere to go. The happiness has worn off and he walks alone. Everyone's asleep, no one can hear him, no one cares, and he just walks...
  Still, alone, living it rough. JOS plays tricks in his mind, and you can see his slowly losing his sanity. He even starts to not believe who he is anymore. He's not the king of his local 711 out on the streets, where no one knows who he is...he's not the Jesus of Suburbia anymore. He's just...there.

Now is where the controversy starts. The album picks up into an angry, purely amazing, anthem about the ever-so-lovely St. Jimmy. Now, people have said, and this sounds pretty true, that the JOS is just pushed over the edge, turned into this new fuck you punkfuck named St. Jimmy. Basically, pushed off of the deep end into schizophrenia. Green Day, actually has stated, that JOS meets this kid, St. Jimmy, on the street somewhere, but that's questionable. I'll leave the interpretation up to you.

  Fast, upbeat, so effing hardcore. St. Jimmy...the patron saint of the denial. Tough, rough, not afraid to kill. The run of the mill punkkid times 70. The hardest, baddest mother fucker around. He's lived his life on the streets, knows all, sees all. Lies, and pretty cocky to boot. He can actually be seen as a foil to JOS, who's totally innocent and callow going into this thing.
  JOS meets Jimmy and becomes close with him. They do drugs together, hang around together and JOS depends on Jimmy to keep him sane, without knowing anyone else. Give Me Novacaine is basically his experimentation with drugs, and how Jimmy introduces him to drugs to ease the pain of everyday life.
  While on the streets, Jimmy and JOS meet a rebel girl named Whatsername. As described in She's A Rebel, she's holding on JOS' heart like a hand grenade. For JOS, it's love at first sight. It's a basic introduction to the girl, and a new twist in JOS' heart strings. New feelings, new mindset, new atmosphere.
  Again, about Whatsername. JOS' feelings for her, what he thinks of her, etc...
  After getting close with Whatsername, there is an eventual breakup. The beginning "Nobody likes you, everyone left you..." Whatsername taunting JOS, and writing him a goodbye letter. She explains that JOS doesn't care enough, and that he isn't who he thinks he is. "You're not the Jesus of Suburbia. The St. Jimmy is a figment of, your father's rage and your mother's love, that's made the idiot america"...she's explaining that JOS has turned into what he's always hated and she leaves him. "Well she said I can't take this place, I'm leaving you behind. She said I can't take this town I'm leaving you tonight..."
  JOS is alone again. Lost his friends, the only girl he ever loved, he's out of home, out of job, and back where he started, sad and alone on the streets. He describes himself as innocent, or at least he was, and he just didn't last. They broke him down, and he's just dead inside. This is also, on a more personal note, a side song about Billie Joe's late father, who died years ago (September 1982), when Billie Joe was 10. Both explanations apply.
  JOS has nothing left to do. He's been on the streets. He stands alone again. So where else to go? Home. Part I, the Death of St. Jimmy. He's leaving the streets, he's going back, he's leaving Jimmy behind. He realizes that turning away wasn't the answer, and he's gained nothing from it except knowledge that life is no better in a different atmosphere. He hoped for too much, and got nothing in return. St. Jimmy kills himself, in a sense, in JOS' mind he's gone. Still, there's no one who cares, and nobody cares. Part II, East 12th St, tells us that JOS met and accepted conformity, got a job, and is just in his own world as people move around him. He'd rather be out and around with 'the underbelly', his friends. He feels trapped. Alone, and again, must get away. "This lifelike dream ain't for me"...Part III, Nobody Likes You. He's still depressed about losing Whatsername, as he waits for her to return, but no luck. All of his dreams at this point are shot to hell, as her voice still pounds in his head "NOBODY LIKES YOU, EVERYONE LEFT YOU..." Part IV, Rock 'N Roll Girlfriend, in the inlay, is shown as a postcard from "Tunny"...who seems to be another person JOS met while on the streets. Tunny explains that he's living it up whAmerican Idiot was written to tell a story (a "punk rock opera"). The title of the album in itself, and it's art, explains of what's to come. There's much confusion to actually what this album and all of its songs mean, and it's questioned to what it could mean. I'm following, basically, with my own outlook, and from information from the band.


J./JOS/the Idiot of America: The Jesus of Suburbia
Tunny: Random person met on the street who Jimmy befriends
The Underbelly: JOS/Jimmy's group of friends
Mom and Brad: JOS' parents. The way that JOS refers to his father as Brad, could mean that is father is gone and Brad is a stepfather, which would explain why he's calling him by name.

  The title track of the album. Basically, there's a confused, disoriented, angsty kid wrapped around a world of misconception and he has nowhere to go and feels hopeless and miserable. So this kid, the Jesus of Suburbia, is just crying out an anthem for the world to hear, screaming miserably "Don't wanna be an American Idiot..." He sees that he's stuck in this 'redneck agenda' and there's not a damn thing he can do to change it.
  Everyone on the album has their own track. Jesus of Suburbia basically introduces us to the Jesus of Suburbia, how he was brought up in rage, and love, his atmosphere, friends, and basic general information. Part I, JOS, is just an introduction. "I'm the son of rage and love, the Jesus of Suburbia..."...Part II, City of The Damned, is just a crying out for help, hating his town, his city, and his overall miserable life that he lives. Part III, I Don't Care, is properly named and is about just that. JOS' apathetic screams of pain and how he just doesn't fucking care about anything anymore. Part IV, Dearly Beloved, is JOS asking if what he's feeling is natural, how he can get out, and if anyone can understand...Tales Of Another Broken Home, Part V, is basically the end of the anthem. JOS is fed up, fucked up, and just decides to quit town and quit the life that he's living. "I don't feel any shame, I won't apologize. When there ain't NOWHERE you can go. RUNNING AWAY from pain, when you feel victimized, tales from another broken home"...and he just leaves.
  So JOS has just left town and he's living his life on the streets (Hear the sound of the falling rain...). He's speaking outloud and acting in vein :P, but it seems like he's talking himself into the fact that running away was the right thing to do. Explaining his reasons of discontent to himself. He still feels alone, and shunned from society, but it seems he feels a little more self-confidence, and happiness out on the road. It is also remotely political with the whole "Zeig heil..." thing, but it's basically just JOS yelling out and expressing his own dead beliefs onto the world. Like screaming into mid air. Also, to go 'on holiday' is said to be like, a vacation. So this is basically like an escape, a runaway. This leads us into Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
  JOS is out alone, on the cold streets, nothing to do, nowhere to go. The happiness has worn off and he walks alone. Everyone's asleep, no one can hear him, no one cares, and he just walks...
  Still, alone, living it rough. JOS plays tricks in his mind, and you can see his slowly losing his sanity. He even starts to not believe who he is anymore. He's not the king of his local 711 out on the streets, where no one knows who he is...he's not the Jesus of Suburbia anymore. He's just...there.

Now is where the controversy starts. The album picks up into an angry, purely amazing, anthem about the ever-so-lovely St. Jimmy. Now, people have said, and this sounds pretty true, that the JOS is just pushed over the edge, turned into this new fuck you punkfuck named St. Jimmy. Basically, pushed off of the deep end into schizophrenia. Green Day, actually has stated, that JOS meets this kid, St. Jimmy, on the street somewhere, but that's questionable. I'll leave the interpretation up to you.

  Fast, upbeat, so effing hardcore. St. Jimmy...the patron saint of the denial. Tough, rough, not afraid to kill. The run of the mill punkkid times 70. The hardest, baddest mother fucker around. He's lived his life on the streets, knows all, sees all. Lies, and pretty cocky to boot. He can actually be seen as a foil to JOS, who's totally innocent and callow going into this thing.
  JOS meets Jimmy and becomes close with him. They do drugs together, hang around together and JOS depends on Jimmy to keep him sane, without knowing anyone else. Give Me Novacaine is basically his experimentation with drugs, and how Jimmy introduces him to drugs to ease the pain of everyday life.
  While on the streets, Jimmy and JOS meet a rebel girl named Whatsername. As described in She's A Rebel, she's holding on JOS' heart like a hand grenade. For JOS, it's love at first sight. It's a basic introduction to the girl, and a new twist in JOS' heart strings. New feelings, new mindset, new atmosphere.
  Again, about Whatsername. JOS' feelings for her, what he thinks of her, etc...
  After getting close with Whatsername, there is an eventual breakup. The beginning "Nobody likes you, everyone left you..." Whatsername taunting JOS, and writing him a goodbye letter. She explains that JOS doesn't care enough, and that he isn't who he thinks he is. "You're not the Jesus of Suburbia. The St. Jimmy is a figment of, your father's rage and your mother's love, that's made the idiot america"...she's explaining that JOS has turned into what he's always hated and she leaves him. "Well she said I can't take this place, I'm leaving you behind. She said I can't take this town I'm leaving you tonight..."
  JOS is alone again. Lost his friends, the only girl he ever loved, he's out of home, out of job, and back where he started, sad and alone on the streets. He describes himself as innocent, or at least he was, and he just didn't last. They broke him down, and he's just dead inside. This is also, on a more personal note, a side song about Billie Joe's late father, who died years ago (September 1982), when Billie Joe was 10. Both explanations apply.
  JOS has nothing left to do. He's been on the streets. He stands alone again. So where else to go? Home. Part I, the Death of St. Jimmy. He's leaving the streets, he's going back, he's leaving Jimmy behind. He realizes that turning away wasn't the answer, and he's gained nothing from it except knowledge that life is no better in a different atmosphere. He hoped for too much, and got nothing in return. St. Jimmy kills himself, in a sense, in JOS' mind he's gone. Still, there's no one who cares, and nobody cares. Part II, East 12th St, tells us that JOS met and accepted conformity, got a job, and is just in his own wAmerican Idiot was written to tell a story (a "punk rock opera"). The title of the album in itself, and it's art, explains of what's to come. There's much confusion to actually what this album and all of its songs mean, and it's questioned to what it could mean. I'm following, basically, with my own outlook, and from information from the band.


J./JOS/the Idiot of America: The Jesus of Suburbia
Tunny: Random person met on the street who Jimmy befriends
The Underbelly: JOS/Jimmy's group of friends
Mom and Brad: JOS' parents. The way that JOS refers to his father as Brad, could mean that is father is gone and Brad is a stepfather, which would explain why he's calling him by name.

  The title track of the album. Basically, there's a confused, disoriented, angsty kid wrapped around a world of misconception and he has nowhere to go and feels hopeless and miserable. So this kid, the Jesus of Suburbia, is just crying out an anthem for the world to hear, screaming miserably "Don't wanna be an American Idiot..." He sees that he's stuck in this 'redneck agenda' and there's not a damn thing he can do to change it.
  Everyone on the album has their own track. Jesus of Suburbia basically introduces us to the Jesus of Suburbia, how he was brought up in rage, and love, his atmosphere, friends, and basic general information. Part I, JOS, is just an introduction. "I'm the son of rage and love, the Jesus of Suburbia..."...Part II, City of The Damned, is just a crying out for help, hating his town, his city, and his overall miserable life that he lives. Part III, I Don't Care, is properly named and is about just that. JOS' apathetic screams of pain and how he just doesn't fucking care about anything anymore. Part IV, Dearly Beloved, is JOS asking if what he's feeling is natural, how he can get out, and if anyone can understand...Tales Of Another Broken Home, Part V, is basically the end of the anthem. JOS is fed up, fucked up, and just decides to quit town and quit the life that he's living. "I don't feel any shame, I won't apologize. When there ain't NOWHERE you can go. RUNNING AWAY from pain, when you feel victimized, tales from another broken home"...and he just leaves.
  So JOS has just left town and he's living his life on the streets (Hear the sound of the falling rain...). He's speaking outloud and acting in vein :P, but it seems like he's talking himself into the fact that running away was the right thing to do. Explaining his reasons of discontent to himself. He still feels alone, and shunned from society, but it seems he feels a little more self-confidence, and happiness out on the road. It is also remotely political with the whole "Zeig heil..." thing, but it's basically just JOS yelling out and expressing his own dead beliefs onto the world. Like screaming into mid air. Also, to go 'on holiday' is said to be like, a vacation. So this is basically like an escape, a runaway. This leads us into Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
  JOS is out alone, on the cold streets, nothing to do, nowhere to go. The happiness has worn off and he walks alone. Everyone's asleep, no one can hear him, no one cares, and he just walks...
  Still, alone, living it rough. JOS plays tricks in his mind, and you can see his slowly losing his sanity. He even starts to not believe who he is anymore. He's not the king of his local 711 out on the streets, where no one knows who he is...he's not the Jesus of Suburbia anymore. He's just...there.

Now is where the controversy starts. The album picks up into an angry, purely amazing, anthem about the ever-so-lovely St. Jimmy. Now, people have said, and this sounds pretty true, that the JOS is just pushed over the edge, turned into this new fuck you punkfuck named St. Jimmy. Basically, pushed off of the deep end into schizophrenia. Green Day, actually has stated, that JOS meets this kid, St. Jimmy, on the street somewhere, but that's questionable. I'll leave the interpretation up to you.

  Fast, upbeat, so effing hardcore. St. Jimmy...the patron saint of the denial. Tough, rough, not afraid to kill. The run of the mill punkkid times 70. The hardest, baddest mother fucker around. He's lived his life on the streets, knows all, sees all. Lies, and pretty cocky to boot. He can actually be seen as a foil to JOS, who's totally innocent and callow going into this thing.
  JOS meets Jimmy and becomes close with him. They do drugs together, hang around together and JOS depends on Jimmy to keep him sane, without knowing anyone else. Give Me Novacaine is basically his experimentation with drugs, and how Jimmy introduces him to drugs to ease the pain of everyday life.
  While on the streets, Jimmy and JOS meet a rebel girl named Whatsername. As described in She's A Rebel, she's holding on JOS' heart like a hand grenade. For JOS, it's love at first sight. It's a basic introduction to the girl, and a new twist in JOS' heart strings. New feelings, new mindset, new atmosphere.
  Again, about Whatsername. JOS' feelings for her, what he thinks of her, etc...
  After getting close with Whatsername, there is an eventual breakup. The beginning "Nobody likes you, everyone left you..." Whatsername taunting JOS, and writing him a goodbye letter. She explains that JOS doesn't care enough, and that he isn't who he thinks he is. "You're not the Jesus of Suburbia. The St. Jimmy is a figment of, your father's rage and your mother's love, that's made the idiot america"...she's explaining that JOS has turned into what he's always hated and she leaves him. "Well she said I can't take this place, I'm leaving you behind. She said I can't take this town I'm leaving you tonight..."
  JOS is alone again. Lost his friends, the only girl he ever loved, he's out of home, out of job, and back where he started, sad and alone on the streets. He describes himself as innocent, or at least he was, and he just didn't last. They broke him down, and he's just dead inside. This is also, on a more personal note, a side song about Billie Joe's late father, who died years ago (September 1982), when Billie Joe was 10. Both explanations apply.
  JOS has nothing left to do. He's been on the streets. He stands alone again. So where else to go? Home. Part I, the Death of St. Jimmy. He's leaving the streets, he's going back, he's leaving Jimmy behind. He realizes that turning away wasn't the answer, and he's gained nothing from it except knowledge that life is no better in a different atmosphere. He hoped for too much, and got nothing in return. St. Jimmy kills himself, in a sense, in JOS' mind he's gone. Still, there's no one who cares, and nobody cares. Part II, East 12th St, tells us that JOS met and accepted conformity, got a job, and is just in his own world as people move around him. He'd rather be out and around with 'the underbelly', his friends. He feels trapped. Alone, and again, must get away. "This lifelike dream ain't for me"...Part III, Nobody Likes You. He's still depressed about losing Whatsername, as he waits for her to return, but no luck. All of his dreams at this point are shot to hell, as her voice still pounds in his head "NOBODY LIKES YOU, EVERYONE LEFT YOU..." Part IV, Rock 'N Roll Girlfriend, in the inlay, is shown as a postcard from "Tunny"...who seems to be another person JOS met while on the streets. Tunny explains that he's living it up where he is, and the rebel life he leads, while JOS is rotting with his dead end job, in his dead end life. Part V, We're Coming Home Again, is JOS accepting things. He's coming to the realization of everything and everyone, and is just accepting it. He comes home. It's left on a confusing note. He's not sure if he's happy or sad, he's just home, living, and he
  After being home, and just living in normality, he still regrets losing Whatsername. It's been so long, he can't even remember her name. He wonders what happened to her, and can only remember. All he has is his memories of her. The album ends with him still trying to forget "If my memory serves me right, I'll never turn back time, forgetting you, but not the time."...He doesn't regret living his life on the streets, using it as a learning experience, but still tries to forget Whatsername, and the pain that she put him through, and vice versorld as people move around him. He'd rather be out and around with 'the underbelly', his friends. He feels trapped. Alone, and again, must get away. "This lifelike dream ain't for me"...Part III, Nobody Likes You. He's still depressed about losing Whatsername, as he waits for her to return, but no luck. All of his dreams at this point are shot to hell, as her voice still pounds in his head "NOBODY LIKES YOU, EVERYONE LEFT YOU..." Part IV, Rock 'N Roll Girlfriend, in the inlay, is shown as a postcard from "Tunny"...who seems to be another person JOS met while on the streets. Tunny explains that he's living it up where he is, and the rebel life he leads, while JOS is rotting with his dead end job, in his dead end life. Part V, We're Coming Home Again, is JOS accepting things. He's coming to the realization of everything and everyone, and is just accepting it. He comes home. It's left on a confusing note. He's not sure if he's happy or sad, he's just home, living, and he
  After being home, and just living in normality, he still regrets losing Whatsername. It's been so long, he can't even remember her name. He wonders what happened to her, and can only remember. All he has is his memories of her. The album ends with him still trying to forget "If my memory serves me right, I'll never turn back time, forgetting you, but not the time."...He doesn't regret living his life on the streets, using it as a learning experience, but still tries to forget Whatsername, and the pain that she put him through, and vice versere he is, and the rebel life he leads, while JOS is rotting with his dead end job, in his dead end life. Part V, We're Coming Home Again, is JOS accepting things. He's coming to the realization of everything and everyone, and is just accepting it. He comes home. It's left on a confusing note. He's not sure if he's happy or sad, he's just home, living, and he
  After being home, and just living in normality, he still regrets losing Whatsername. It's been so long, he can't even remember her name. He wonders what happened to her, and can only remember. All he has is his memories of her. The album ends with him still trying to forget "If my memory serves me right, I'll never turn back time, forgetting you, but not the time."...He doesn't regret living his life on the streets, using it as a learning experience, but still tries to forget Whatsername, and the pain that she put him through, and vice vers

12 mai 2006



Sit around and watch the tube,but nothing's on
Change the channels for an hour or two
Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit
I'm sick of all the same old shit
In a house with unlocked doors
And I'm fucking lazy

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise
I'm so damn bored I'm going blind
And I smell like shit

Peel me off this velcro seat and get me moving
I sure as hell can't do it by myself
I'm feeling like a dog in heat
Barred indoors from the summer street
I locked the door to my own cell
And I lost the key

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise
I'm so damn bored I'm going blind
And I smell like shit

I got no motivation
Where is my motivation?
No time for the motivation
Smoking my inspiration

Sit around and watch the phone, but no one's calling
Call me pathetic, call me what you will
My mother says to get a job
But she don't like the one she's got
When masturbation's lost its fun
You're fucking breaking

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise
I'm so damn bored
I'm going blind
And loneliness has to suffice
Bite my lip and close my eyes
I was slipping away to paradise
Some say,"Quit or I'll go blind."
But it's just a myth


Do you have the time
To listen to me whine
About nothing and everything
All at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or I'm just stoned

I went to a shrink
To analyze my dreams
She says it's lack of sex
That's bringing me down
I went to a whore
He said my life's a bore
So quit my whining cause
It's bringing her down

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Uh, yuh, yuh, ya

Grasping to control
So I better hold on

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or I'm just stoned

"When I Come Around"

I heard you crying loud,
all the way across town
You've been searching for that someone,
and it's me out on the prowl
As you sit around feeling sorry for yourself
Don't get lonely now
And dry your whining eyes
I'm just roaming for the moment
Sleazin' my back yard so don't get so uptight
you been thinking about ditching me

No time to search the world around
Cause you know where I'll be found
When I come around

I heard it all before
So don't knock down my door
I'm a loser and a user so I don't need no accuser
to try and slag me down because I know you're right
So go do what you like
Make sure you do it wise
You may find out that your self-doubt means nothing
was ever there

You can't go forcing something if it's just
not right

No time to search the world around
Cause you know where I'll be found
When I come around
When I come around

No time to search the world around
Cause you know where I'll be found
When I come around
When I come around
When I come around
When I come around


Something's on my mind
It's been for quite some time
This time I'm on to you
So where's the other face?
The face I heard before
Your head trip's boring me

Let's nuke the bridge we torched
2,000 times before
This time we'll blast it all to hell
I've had this burning in my guts now
for so long
My belly's aching now to say

Stuck down in a rut of dislogic and smut
A side of you well hid
When it's all said and done
it's real and it's been fun
But was it all REAL fun

Let's nuke the bridge we torched
2,000 times before
This time we'll blast it all to hell
I've felt this burning in my guts now
for so long
My belly's aching now to say

to say...

You're just... a fuck,
I can't explain it 'cause I think you suck.
I'm take-
-in pride
in telling you to fuck off and die.

I've had this burning in my guts now
for so long
My belly's aching now to say
I'm taking pleasure in the doubts
I've passed to you
So listen up as you bite thisssss...

You're just... a fuck,
I can't explain it 'cause I think you suck.
I'm take-
-in pride
in telling you to fuck off and die.

Goood niiiiiiiiight....

"Stuck With Me"

I'm not part of your elite
I'm just alright
Class structure waving colors
Bleeding from my throat
Not subservient to you I'm just alright
Down classed by the powers that be
Give me loss of hope

Cast out... Buried in a hole
Struck down... forcing me to fall
Destroyed... giving up the fight
Well, I know I'm not alright

What's my price and will you pay it if it's alright?
Take it from my dignity
waste it until it's dead
Throw me back into the gutter
'Cause it's alright
Find another pleasure fucker
Drag them down to hell

Cast out... Buried in a hole
Struck down... forcing me to fall
Destroyed... giving up the fight
Well, I know I'm not alright

Cast out... Buried in a hole
Struck down... forcing me to fall
Destroyed... giving up the fight
Well, I know I'm not alright

"Geek Stink Breath"

I'm on a mission
I made my decision
To lead a path of self destruction
A slow progression
Killing my complexion
And it's rotting out my teeth

I'm on a roll
No self control
I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine
Don't know what I want
That's all that I've got
And I'm picking scabs off my face

Every hour my blood is turning sour
And my pulse is beating out of time
I found a treasure
filled with sick pleasure
And it sits on a thin white line

I'm on a roll
No self control
I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine
Don't know what I want
That's all that I've got
And I'm picking scabs off my face

I'm on a mission
I've got no decision
Like a cripple running the rat race
Wish in one hand shit in the other
And see which one gets filled first

I'm on a roll
No self control
I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine
Don't know what I want
That's all that I've got
And I'm picking scabs off my face

"Brain Stew"

I'm having trouble trying to sleep
I'm counting sheep but running out
As time ticks by
And still I try
No rest for crosstops in my mind

On my own... here we go

My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
fucked up and spun out in my room

On my own... here we go

My mind is set on overdrive
The clock is laughing in my face
A crooked spine
My sense's dulled
Passed the point of delerium

On my own... here we go

My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
fucked up and spun out in my room

On my own... here we go


Somebody keep my balance
I think I'm falling off
Into a state of regression
The expiration date
Rapidly coming up
It's leaving me behind to rank

Always move forward
Going "straight" will get you nowhere
There is no progress
Evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere

I'm taking one step sideways
Leading with my crutch
Got a fucked up equilibrium
Count down from 9 to 5
Hooray! We're gonna die!
Blessed into our extinction

Always move forward
Going "straight" will get you nowhere
There is no progress
Evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere

Always move forward
Going "straight" will get you nowhere
There is no progress
Evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere

"Walking Contradiction"

Do as I say not as I do because
The shit's so deep you can't run away
I beg to differ on the contrary
I agree with every word that you say
Talk is cheap and lies are expensive
My wallet's fat and so is my head
Hit and run and then I'll hit you again
I'm a smart ass but I'm playing dumb

Standards set and broken all the time
Control the chaos behind a gun
Call it as I see it even if
I was born deaf, blind and dumb
Losers winning big on the lottery
Rehab rejects still sniffing glue
Constant refutation with myself
I'm a victim of a catch 22

I have no belief
But I believe
I'm a walking contradiction
And I ain't got no right

Do as I say not as I do because
The shit's so deep you can't run away
I beg to differ on the contrary
I agree with every word that you say
Talk is cheap and lies are expensive
My wallet's fat and so is my head
Hit and run and then I'll hit you again
I'm a smart ass but I'm playing dumb

I have no belief
But I believe
I'm a walking contradiction
And I ain't got no right

I have no belief
But I believe
I'm a walking contradiction
And I ain't got no right

"Nice Guys Finish Last"

Nice guys finish last.
You're running out of gas.
Your sympathy will get you left behind.
Sometimes you're at your best, when you feel the worst.
Do you feel washed up, like piss going down the drain

Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane.
I'm so fucking happy I could cry.
Every joke can have its truth and now the joke's on you.
I never knew you were such a funny guy.

Oh nice guys finish last, when you are the outcast.
Don't pat yourself on the back you might break your spine.

Living on command.
You're shaking lots of hands.
Kissing up and bleeding all your trust, taking what you need.
Bite the hand that feeds.
You lose your memory and you got no shame.

"Hitchin' A Ride"

Hey mister, where you headed?
Are you in a hurry?
Need a lift to happy hour.
Say oh no.
Do you brake for distilled spirits?
I need a break as well.
The well that inebriates the guilt.
1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4.

Cold turkey's getting stale, tonight I'm eating crow.
Fermented salmonella poison oak no

There's a drought at the fountain of youth, and now I'm dehydrating.
My tongue is swelling up, as say 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Troubled times, you know I can not lie.
I'm off the wagon and I'm hitchin' a ride.

There's a drought at the fountain of youth, and now I'm dehydrating.
My tongue is swelling up, I say shit!

Troubled times, you know I can not lie.
I'm off the wagon and I'm hitchin' a ride.

I'm hitchin' a ride.
I'm hitchin' a ride.
I'm hitchin' a ride.
I'm hitchin' a ride.
I'm hitchin' a ride.
I'm hitchin' a ride.
I'm hitchin' a ride.

"The Grouch"

I was a young boy that had big plans
Now I'm just another shitty old man
I don't have fun and I hate everything
The world owes me, so fuck you

Glory days don't mean shit to me
I drank a six pack of apathy
Life's a bitch and so am I
The world owes me, so fuck you

Wasted youth and a fistful of ideals
I had a young and optimisitic point of view
Wasted youth and a fistful of ideals
I had a young and optimisitic point of view

I've decomposed, and my gut's getting fat
Oh my god I'm turning out like my dad
I'm always rude, I've got a bad attitude
The world owes me, so fuck you

The wife's a nag and the kid's fucking up
I don't have sex 'cause i can't get it up
I'm just a grouch sitting on the couch
The world owes me, so fuck you


We're living in repetition.
Content in the same old shtick again.
Now the routine's turning to contention,
Like a production line going over and over and over, roller

Now I cannot speak, I lost my voice.
I'm speechless and redundant.
'Cause I love you's not enough.
I'm lost for words.

Choreographed and lack of passion.
Prototypes of what we were.
Went full circle 'til I'm nauseous.
Taken for granted now.
Now I waste it, faked it, ate it, now i hate it.

Now I cannot speak, I lost my voice.
I'm speechless and redundant, 'cause I love you's not enough.
I'm lost for words, now I cannot speak.

"King For A Day"

Started at the age of 4.
My mother went to the grocery store.
Went sneaking through her bedroom door to find something in a size 4.

Sugar and spice and everything nice wasn't made for only girls.
GI Joe in panty hose is making room for the one and only.

King for a day, princess by dawn.
King for a day in a leather thong.
King for a day, princess by dawn.
Just wait 'til all the guys get a load of me.

My daddy threw me in therapy.
He thinks I'm not a real man.
Who put the drag in the drag queen.
Don't knock it until you tried it

"Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)"

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.


[Verse 1:]
This is a public service anouncement, this is only a test
Emergency evacuation protest
May Impair your ability to operate machinery
Can't quite tell just what it means to me
Keep out of reach of children, don't you talk to strangers
Get your philosophy from a bumper sticker

Warning. Live without warning
Say warning. Live without warning
Without. Alright.

[Verse 2:]
Better homes and safety-sealed communities
Did you remember to pay the utility?
Caution: Police line, you better not cross.
Is it the cop, or am I the one thats really dangerous?
Sanitation, expiration date, question everything.
Or shut up and be a victim of authority

Warning. Live without warning
Say warning. Live without warning
Say warning. Live without warning
Say warning. Live without warning
Without. Alright.

[Verse 3:]
Better homes and safety-sealed communities
Did you remember to pay the utility?
Caution: Police line, you better not cross.
Is it the cop, or am I the one that's really dangerous
Sanitation, expiration date, question everything.
Or shut up and be a victim of authority

Warning. Live without warning
Say warning. Live without warning
Say warning. Live without warning
Say warning. Live without warning
This is a public service anouncement, this is only a test

"Blood, Sex And Booze"

Waiting in a room
All dressed up and bound and gagged
To a chair
It's so unfair
I won't dare move, for the pain
She puts me through is what I need
So make it bleed

I'm in distress, oh mistress
I confess so do it one more time
These handcuffs are too tight
You know I will obey, so please
Don't make me beg
For blood, sex and booze you give me

Some say I'm disturbed
But it's what I deserve, another lesson
To be learned...from a girl called kill
My head is in the gutter
Thank you sir, strike up another mandolin
Of discipline
Throw me to the dogs
Let them eat my flesh down
To the wood
It feels so good


Virginia was a lot lizard from F.L.A.
She had a compound fracture in the trunk
It started when she ran away
Thumbs out on the interstate
She hitched a ride to misery

Mr. Whirly had a catastrophic incident
He fell into the city by the bay
He liquidated his estate
Now he sleeps upon the Haight
Panhandling misery

And he's gonna get high high high
When he's low low low
The fire burns from better days
And she screams why oh why
I said I don't know
The catastrophic hymns from yesterday
Of misery

Vinnie was a hustler out of Amsterdam
He ran the drug cartel in Tinsel town
They found him in a cadillac
Bludgeoned with a baseball bat in the name
Of misery

Gina hit the road to New York City
Mysteriously the night Vinnie croaked
She stopped in Vegas to elope
With Virginia and the dope
And kissed the bride eternally

And they're gonna get high high high
When they're low low low
The fire burns from better days
And she screams why oh why
I said I don't know
The catastrophic hymns from yesterday
Of misery

Hell hounds on your trail now once again boy
It's groping on your leg until it sleeps
The emptiness will fill your soul with sorrow
'Cause it's not what you make it's what you leave

And we're gonna get high high high
When I'm low low low
The fire burns from better days
And she screams why oh why
I said I don't know
The catastrophic hymns from yesterday
Of misery


I've been waiting for a long time
For this moment to come
I'm destined
For all
Downtown lights will be shining
On me like a new diamond
Ring out under the midnight hour
No one can touch me now
And I can't turn my back
It's too late ready or not at all

I'm so much closer than
I have ever known...
Wake up

Dawning of a new era
Calling...don't let it catch you falling
Ready or not at all
So close enough to taste it
Almost...I can embrace this
Feeling....on the tip of my tongue

I'm so much closer than
I have ever known...
Wake up
Better thank your lucky stars....

I've been waiting for a long time
For this moment to come
I'm destined for anything at all

Colour me stupid
Good luck
You're gonna need it
Where I'm going if I get there...
At all....

Wake up
Better thank your lucky stars....


I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority

I pledge allegiance to the underworld
One nation under dog
There of which I stand alone
A face in the crowd
Unsung, against the mold
Without a doubt
Singled out
The only way I know

I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority

Stepped out of the line
Like a sheep runs from the herd
Marching out of time
To my own beat now
The only way I know

One light, one mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
"For crying out loud" she screamed unto me
A free for all
F*** 'em all
You are your own sight

I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority

"American Idiot"

Don't want to be an American idiot.
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along to the age of paranoia.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's calling out to idiot America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

"Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I walk alone
I walk a...

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...


Say, Hey!

Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!)
The shame
The ones who died without a name

Hear the dogs howling out of key
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!)
And bleed, the company lost the war today

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

Hear the drum pounding out of time
Another protestor has crossed the line (Hey!)
To find, the money's on the other side

Can I get another Amen? (Amen!)
There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (Hey!)
A gag, a plastic bag on a monument

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

(Say, Hey!)

"The representative from California has the floor"

Zieg Heil to the president gasman
Bombs away is your punishment
Pulverize the Eiffel towers
Who criticize your government
Bang bang goes the broken glass and
Kill all the fags that don't agree
Trials by fire, setting fire
Is not a way that's meant for me
Just cause, just cause, because we're outlaws yeah!

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

This is our lives on holiday

"Wake Me Up When September Ends"

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

like my fathers come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends

summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

like my father's come to pass
twenty years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends

"Jesus Of Suburbia"

[Part 1]

I'm the son of raging love
The Jesus of Suburbia
From the bible of none of the above
On a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin
No one ever died for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell
At least the ones I got away with

And there's nothing wrong with me
This is how I'm supposed to be
In a land of make believe
That don't believe in me

Get my television fix sitting on my crucifix
The living room or my private womb
While the moms and brads are away
To fall in love and fall in debt
To alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane
To keep me insane and doing someone else's cocaine

And there's nothing wrong with me
This is how I'm supposed to be
In a land of make believe
That don't believe in me

[Part 2: City Of The Damned]

At the center of the Earth
In the parking lot
Of the 7-11 where I was taught
The motto was just a lie
It says home is where your heart is
But what a shame
Cause everyone's heart
Doesn't beat the same
It's beating out of time

City of the dead
At the end of another lost highway
Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned
Lost children with dirty faces today
No one really seems to care

I read the graffiti
In the bathroom stall
Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall
And so it seemed to confess
It didn't say much
But it only confirmed that
The center of the earth
Is the end of the world
And I could really care less

City of the dead
At the end of another lost highway
Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned
Lost children with dirty faces today
No one really seems to careeeeee

[Part 3: I don't care]

I don't care if you don't
I don't care if you don't
I don't care if you don't care

I don't careeeeeeeeee

Everyone is so full of shit
Born and raised by hypocrites
Hearts recycled but never saved
From the cradle to the grave
We are the kids of war and peace
From Anaheim to the middle east
We are the stories and disciples
Of the Jesus of suburbia
Land of make believe
And it don't believe in me
Land of make believe
And I don't believe
And I don't care!
I don't care! [x4]

[Part 4: Dearly beloved]

Dearly beloved are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were saying
Are we demented or am I disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure
Oh therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse

[Part 5: Tales of another broken home]

To live and not to breathe
Is to die In tragedy
To run, to run away
To find what you believe
And I leave behind
This hurricane of fucking lies
I lost my faith to this
This town that don't exist

So I run
I run away
To the light of masochist
And I leave behind
This hurricane of fucking lies
And I walked this line
A million and one fucking times
But not this time

I don't feel any shame
I won't apologize

When there ain't nowhere you can go
Running away from pain
When you've been victimized
Tales from another broken home

You're leaving...
You're leaving...
You're leaving...
Ah you're leaving home...

"St. Jimmy"

St. Jimmy's comin' down across the alley way
Up on the boulevard like a zip gun on parade
Light of a silhouette
He's insubordinate
Coming at you on the count of 1,2,1,2,3,4!

My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it out
Suicide commando that your momma talked about
King of the forty theives
And I'm here to represent
That needle in the vein of the establishment

I'm the patron saint of the denial
With an angel face and a taste for suicidal

Cigarettes and ramen and a little bag of dope
I am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen Poe
Raised in the city under a halo of lights
The product of war and fear that we've been victimized

I'm the patron saint of the denial
With an angel face and a taste for suicidal


I'll give you something to cry about.


My name is St. Jimmy I'm a son of a gun
I'm the one that's from the way outside
I'm a teenage assassin executing some fun
In the cult of the life of crime.

I really hate to say it but I told you so
So shut your mouth before I shoot you down old boy
Welcome to the club and give me some blood
And the resident leader at the lost and found

It's comedy and tragedy
It's St. Jimmy
And that's my nameeeeeee...and don't wear it out!

12 mai 2006


Voici la discographie des rois du punk :


1.039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hour - Album CD - 1990 - Lookout! Records :

  1. At The Library
  2. Don't Leave Me
  3. I Was There
  4. Disappearing Boy
  5. Green Day
  6. Going to Pasalacqua
  7. 16
  8. Road to Acceptance
  9. Rest
  10. The Judge's Daughter
  11. Paper Lanterns
  12. Why Do You Want Him ?
  13. 409 In Your Coffeemaker
  14. Knowledge
  15. 1,000 Hours
  16. Dry Ice
  17. Only Of You
  18. The One I Want
  19. I Want To Be Alone

Kerplunk - Album CD - 1991 - Lookout! Records :

  1. 2000 Light Years Away
  2. One For The Razorbacks
  3. Welcome To Paradise
  4. Christie Road
  5. Private Ale
  6. Dominated Love Slave
  7. One Of My Lies
  8. 80
  9. Android
  10. No One Knows
  11. Who Wrote Holden Caulfield ?
  12. Words I Might Have Ate
  13. Sweet Children
  14. Best Thing In Town
  15. Strangeland
  16. My Generation

1994  Dookie 3.78 stars    169 1,417
1995  Insomniac 3.45 stars    60 604
1997  Nimrod 3.49 stars    64 646
2000  Warning 3.49 stars    64 535
2004  American Idiot


Green Day

Release Type Standard Album
Released February 01, 1994


Title Avg Rating Reviews Ratings Action
1994  Basket Case 3.79 stars    12 57

1.85 stars      3
1994  Longview 3.96 stars    1 18
1994  She 4.24 stars    2 13
1994  Welcome to Paradise 4.07 stars    2 22
1994  When I Come Around 4.01 stars    6 29
1995  Geek Stink Breath 3.76 stars    3 19
1995  Stuck With Me 3.70 stars    1 12
1996  Brain Stew / Jaded 3.94 stars    2 17
1996  Walking Contradiction 4.25 stars    2 9
1997  Time of Your Life (Good Riddance) 4.34 stars    9 43

4.09 stars    3 9
1997  Hitchin a Ride 4.14 stars    3 14
1998  Redundant 4.04 stars    1 11
1999  Nice Guys Finish Last 3.92 stars    1 5
2000  Minority 3.70 stars    6 30
2001  Poprocks & Coke 4.01 stars    1 6
2001  Waiting 4.01 stars    1 14
2001  Warning 4.50 stars    2 7
3.91 stars    1 12

3.00 stars    1 2
2004  I Fought the Law 3.61 stars    5 19
2004  American Idiot 3.51 stars    13 65
2004  Shoplifter 3.79 stars    1 5
2004  Boulevard of Broken Dreams 3.80 stars    23 67
2005  Holiday 4.04 stars    11 33
2005  Wake Me Up When September Ends 3.54 stars    11 37


3.82 stars    1 2
2005  Jesus of Suburbia

1. Burnout 8. She
2. Having A Blast 9. Sassafras Roots
3. Chump 10. When I Come Around
4. Longview 11. Coming Clean
5. Welcome To Paradise 12. Emenius Sleepus
6. Pulling Teeth 13. In The End
7. Basket Case 14. F.O.D.

sont les chansons sur dookie !

Insomniac (1995) - Green Day

1. Armatage Shanks 8. Panic Song
2. Brat 9. Stuart and The Ave.
3. Stuck With Me 10. Brain Stew
4. Geek Stink Breath 11. Jaded
5. No Pride 12. Westbound Sign
6. Bab's Uvula Who? 13. Tight Wad Hill
7. 86 14. Walking Contradiction


1. Nice Guys Finish Last 10. Last Ride In
2. Hitchin' A Ride 11. Jinx
3. The Grouch 12. Haushinka
4. Redundant 13. Walking Alone
5. Scattered 14. Reject
6. All The Time 15. Take Back
7. Worry Rock 16. King For A Day
8. Platypus (I Hate You) 17. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
9. Uptight 18. Prosthetic Head

Warning (2000) - Green Day

1. Warning 7. Deadbeat Holiday
2. Blood, Sex And Booze 8. Hold On
3. Church On Sunday 9. Jackass
4. Fashion Victim 10. Waiting
5. Castaway 11. Minority
6. Misery 12. Macy's Day Parade

International Superhits! (2001) - Green Day

1. Maria 12. Walking Contradiction
2. Poprocks & Coke 13. Stuck With Me
3. Longview 14. Hitchin' A Ride
4. Welcome To Paradise 15. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
5. Basket Case 16. Redundant
6. When I Come Around 17. Nice Guys Finish Last
7. She 18. Minority
8. J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva) 19. Warning
9. Geek Stink Breath 20. Waiting
10. Brain Stew 21. Macy's Day Parade
11. Jaded

Shenanigans (2002) - Green Day

1. Suffocate 8. Scumbag
2. Desensitized 9. Tired Of Waiting For You
3. You Lied 10. Sick Of Me
4. Outsider 11. Rotting
5. Don't Wanna Fall In Love 12. Do Da Da
6. Espionage 13. On The Wagon
7. I Want To Be On T.V. 14. Ha Ha You're Dead

American Idiot (Bonus Cd) (Bonus Track) (Jpn) (2005) - Green Day

1. American Idiot 8. She's A Rebel
2. Jesus Of Suburbia (I. Jesus Of Suburbia/II. City Of The Damned/III. I Don't Care/IV. Dearly Beloved/V. Tales Of Another Broken Home) 9. Extraordinary Girl
3. Holiday 10. Letterbomb
4. Boulevard Of Broken Wings 11. Wake Me Up When September Ends
5. Are We The Waiting 12. Homecoming (I. The Death Of St. Jimmy/II. East 12th St./III. Nobody Likes You/IV. Rock And Roll Girlfriend/V. We're Coming Home Again)
6. St. Jimmy 13. Whatsername
7. Give Me Novicaine

12 mai 2006

biographie de greenday

Ce groupe a révolutionné le style punk rock. L'aventure a commencé en 1987 alors que Billie Joe Armstrong et Mike Dirnt (alias Mike Pritchard), deux bons copains du secondaire, décidèrent de fonder leur propre groupe afin de fuir la platitude de leur banlieue ouvrière de Rodeo, en Californie. La formation se nommait Sweet Children et était composée uniquement de Billie Joe et mike dirnt . Le groupe se produisait au Rod's Hickory Pit, un restaurant où la mère de Billie Joe travaillait comme serveuse et où le père de Mike était cuisinier. Vives les contacts !

Deux ans plus tard,  sweet children devient green day ! Le groupe devient un trio alors que le batteur Al Sobrante (alias John Kiftmeyer) se joignit à la formation. Aussitôt, Green Day se mit au travail : production d'un premier EP intitulé "1000 hours" ; sortie, en 1990, de "39/Smooth ", leur premier album, sur l '  étiquette Lookout! Records et début d'une grande tournée américaine organisée par Sobrante. Ensuite ,  Green Day perdit les services de son batteur et…organisateur ! Ce dernier, préférant se concentrer sur ses études universitaires plutôt que sur la musique, fut remplacé par Tre Cool (alias Frank Edwin Wright III).

En 1992, Green Day concocta un second album intitulé "Kerplunk", toujours sur l '  étiquette Lookout! Celui-ci obtient un certain succès dans le milieu underground avec des ventes atteignant plus de 50 000 exemplaires ! Conscient de son potentiel, Green Day considéra dès lors qu'il serait temps d'être sous contrat avec une grande compagnie de disques. En 1993, le groupe devient le poulain de Reprise Records, propriété de Warner Bros et ce, malgré des offres plus alléchantes proposées par d'autres. En 1994, Reprise commercialisa "Dookie", le troisième album du trio. Ce fut le succès : "Dookie" a trouvé preneur chez plus de neuf millions de personnes aux États-Unis seulement, alors que le groupe fut en nomination dans quatre catégories aux Grammy Awards, sans oublier leur surprenante prestation au festival Woodstock 1994. Les deux singles extraits " longview " et " basket case " cartonnent dans les charts du monde entier !

En 1995, l'album "Insomniac" connut lui aussi un immense impact avec plusieurs millions de copies vendues aux États-Unis. En 1997, l'album "Nimrod", hissa le trio californien un peu plus haut dans le firmament des stars de la musique. La chanson "Time of Your Life", tirée de cet album, était même choisie comme trame sonore pour conclure la dernière émission de la populaire série américaine Seinfeld. En 2000, Green Day nous proposait un sixième album intitulé "Warning". En 2001, le groupe compile ses plus grand succès sur "International Superhits! " sur lequel on retrouve la pièce inédite de "Poprock & Coke". En 2002, Green Day remet ça avec "Shenanigans", un album composé de matériel inédit et de pièces rares.

À l'automne 2004, le groupe lance son album le plus audacieux à ce jour, l'opéra punk-rock "American Idiot". Le disque se hisse au sommet des palmarès alors que la pièce-titre, de même que "Holiday", "Wake Me Up When September Ends", "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" et "Jesus of Suburbia" font bonne figure. Green Day remporte ensuite de nombreux prix, dont le Grammy de l'enregistrement de l'année pour "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". "American Idiot" se vend à plusieurs millions d'exemplaires partout dans le monde. Par la suite, Green Day lance l'album live et le DVD "Bullet in a Bible".

biographie des trois chanteurs du trio :


Guitare / Chant

Né le 17 février 1972

Marié , 2 enfants

Joue également avec : pinhead gunpowder , blatz , rancid , the lookouts .

Plus jeune de 6 enfants , fils d ' un père chauffeur de camion et musicien de jazz et d ' une mère fan de country , dès son plus jeune âge Billie Joe chante . A 10 ans , il rencontre Mike dirnt avec qui il fonde en 1986 le groupe  " sweet children " et son père lui offre sa première guitare , une Fernandes Stratocaster qu ' il nomme " blue " et avec laquelle il va jouer jusqu ' à il y a quelques années cette dernière qui commence à être plus fragile . La première chanson écrite par Billie Joe s ' appelle " why do you want him ? " , il a 14 ans lorsqu ' il l ' écrit . Sweet Children est rebaptisé " Green Day " lorsque Al Sobrante , le premier batteur quitte le groupe et laisse place à Tre Cool .       

Biographie de Mike Dirnt :

Mike Dirnt

(Michael Ryan Pritchard)

Basse / Choeurs

Né le 4 mai 1972

Divorcé, 1 enfant

Joue ou a également joué avec: The Frustrators, Screeching Weasel, Crummy Musicians, Squirtgun

Né d’une mère accro à l’héroine, placé dans une famille adoptive dont les parents divorcent lorsqu ' il a 7 ans , Mike Dirnt n ' a pas eu une enfance facile . Après s ' être finalement installé avec sa  mère adoptive et sa grande soeur , Mike devient rapidement indépendant . il rencontre Billie Joe à l ' âge de 10 ans et les deux se retrouvent chez Billie Joe pour jouer de la guitare . Mike se met finalement à la basse . A 15 ans il loue une chambre sur le côté de la maison de Billie Joe . En 1986 ils forment Sweet Children qui se rebaptise Green Day en 1989 .

        Tre Cool

(Frank Edwin Wright III)


Né le 9 décembre 1972

Divorcé 2 fois, 2 enfants ( 1 de chaque mariage)

Joue ou a également joué avec : The Lookouts, Samiam

Tré a grandi dans les montagnes Mendicino, élevé par son père. Le père de Tré construisit beaucoup de maison aux alentours dont  celle de Lawrence Livermore, voisin de Tré et fondateur de Lookout !records , le premier label de Green Day. A 12 ans Tré rejoin les Lookouts, enregistre un album et commence à jouer dans les club punk de Berkeley.  Tré à connu « Sweet children » avant d’en devenir membre et de former Green Day et a même donner des cours de batterie à Al Sobrante. C’est donc au moment du départ de ce dernier que Mike et Billie Joe recrutent Tre pour ce qui est la naissance de Green Day. Tre se marie en 95, une fille née de cette première union mais le couple divorce et Tre se remarie en 2000 et à également un enfant de ce mariage.

